To order Hutton Strong T-shirts, please fill out the form below. Once we receive your order, someone will respond and coordinate payment and delivery.
Orders will be taken until January 12, 2025. Once we have received all orders and payments you will be contacted when your order is ready for local pick-up and/or has been shipped. (Lead time is approx. 1-2 weeks)
Pricing (+ $10.00 for shipping):
Adult t-shirt: $25.00 ea.
Kids t-shirt: $20.00 ea.
Hoodie: $40.00 ea.
Cash or Venmo will be accepted. Venmo information will be provided via email once you have submitted your request.
In the Messages section below, please indicate the number of shirts and/or hoddies and size(s) ( If you need your order shipped please include your mailing address)
Example: 2 Adults: 1 Large, 1 Medium | 3 Kids: 1 Large, 1 Medium | 1 Adult hoodie.
Shipping Example: 2 Adults: 1 Large, 1 Medium | 3 Kids: 1 large, 1 medium | 1 Adult hoodie. Shipping - Mailing Address: 123 Main St, Anycity CA 78910
We are working to have them available for everyone who purchases one to wear while participating in the Stripes of a Warrior’s Super Warrior 5K Run.
All funds raised through sales (excluding shipping costs) will go directly to the Duenas Family to aid in medical bills and other expenses related to Hutton’s treatment and care.