Yesterday was a rough one for us all. Hutton had two procedures (second biopsy and bone samples) and port installation. She was very brave in the morning, she was asking questions about her port and the procedures she would be going through, and the nurses and doctors were amazing with her. I could tell she was curious about it all and wanted to understand it more so that it wouldn’t be so scary for her.
When the nurses came in to transport her for her first procedure and anesthesia, everything became real, and she was very scared. We were able to stay with her until she was put under. It is heartbreaking seeing your child crying and telling you she doesn’t want to do something, knowing it is one of the most important things she needs to do, and not being able to tell her the full truth as to why.
Only one of us could be next to her while she fell asleep, which was Steph. As Hutton was crying and looking her in the eyes begging “No, no, no!”, Steph showed amazing strength and courage keeping it together and being an example of courage and strength for Hutton.
The procedures (second biopsy and bone samples) and port installation took a little over 3 hours. We were able to be waiting next to her when she came out of it, and that was pretty rough as well. Once she was completely coherent, though it took a while for her to get used to the port being in her. Hutton again showed a lot of strength, resiliency and courage dealing with the pain and uncomfortableness of having a foreign object inside her. She is amazing.
You only have what you know and see to compare things too, so as she was freaking out about the port, I couldn’t help but think if we failed in preparing her for it and if there was anything else we could have done to make it an easier thing to accept. But talking to her nurse outside her room, she told me Hutton was doing amazing and being really brave, and dealing with it better then other kids she has seen, and reassured me that the pain and uncomfortableness she was experiencing was normal. She also told me that she thought Hutton was such an amazing and sweet young girl, another example of her light shining bright no matter what the circumstance. It is this light and strength that I guess sometimes makes me forget the she is only 9 years-old.
A nice surprise that I think really got her mind off of the port and everything sher had gone through that day was a surprise visit from a friend. It may have only been for a few minutes, but they were probably the best minutes out the entire day for her. #huttonstrong #prayforhutton #fuckcancer